The Hepatoprotective Effects of Ethanolic Extract Noni Fruits (Morinda citrifolia L.) on Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Liver with SGPT and Histopathological Evaluations
The liver is an important organ that plays a role in metabolism in the human body. However, the use of certain types of chemical compounds tends to damage these organs. This study aims to determine the hepatoprotective effectiveness of noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) against exposure to hepatotoxic compounds. This research was conducted by experimental method with Groups I to III treated with noni extract with concentrations of 10, 15, and 20%, respectively. Group IV was treated with acetaminophen, a hepatotoxic substance, as a positive control and group V was treated with Na.CMC as a negative control. Data serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) levels and histopathological examination of the liver of the test animals were then analyzed by One-Way Anova. Histopathological examination results showed hepatotoxicity caused by high doses of acetaminophen 10 g/70 KgBW in the positive control group achieved a score of +4 (severe damage), groups I and II showed a score of +3 (moderate damage), and in group III only showed a score of +3 (moderate damage). +2 (light damage). The results of SGPT examination and histopathology showed that the ethanol extract of noni fruit at a concentration of 20% had a hepatoprotective effect.
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